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5 nhận xét:

linjinklop nói...

Thanks bạn nhiều lắm> Mình đã kiếm cái này mấy ngày rồi mới gặp.
Cảm ơn nhiều nhiều nha !!

dunghennessy nói...

Không có gì đâu!!!
Cám ơn bạn đã ghé tham quan

GiaRo nói...

Tớ thì mò suốt 6 tháng nay mới gặp được đây - Cảm ơn Anh bạn nhá !... Lúc nầy lên lảo Google hỏi về thủ thuật blog thì chổ nào cũng gặp Anh bạn hết - Ớn quá ! Chúc mừng Dũng nha...

dunghennessy nói...

Anh làm em "ớn quá", em chỉ là "hạt cát trên sa mạc" thôi, đâu có gì ghê gớm đâu Anh trai ơi
Chúc Anh và gia đình luôn vui vẻ và khoẻ mạnh nha

Unow22 nói...

Before we get into the methods for effectively and efficiently passing a hair follicle drug test, let's take a few moments to dispel the myths, rumors, and confusion surrounding hair follicle drug testing. While we are at it, we will explain the truths too. What appears to be a common-sense solution seen on multiple forums covering this specific subject will surprise you by producing abysmal results. While bleach does an excellent job of reducing pigmentation from human hair, it is a coin toss whether it will help you pass a test. The average bleaching results are 40% and lower, leaving a huge margin of error that a hair follicle drug test can still detect. While they cannot gather hair from a bald head, a recently shaved head on the day of a hair follicle drug test is suspicious. Many people who do this are unaware that if there is no head hair, they will examine body hair instead. Body hair grows at a slower rate than head hair, so it can reveal a longer period of drug use. They have made their situation worse by doing so. You might just have managed to get away with a urine test, but your hair holds a lot more record than your urine. A urine test can detect drug use in the previous seven days, whereas your hair can record almost everything. The hair drug test is effective regardless of how frequently one uses drugs. That is the reason why it is strictly suggested to avoid consuming any sort of alcoholic beverage during your detox program. It is also advised not to take weed and alcohol together, particularly if you are going to drive later, since it is dangerous. If you want to avoid any product designed for detoxification, there are still several cleansing methods that work just as well as the manufactured ones, but that are more natural. Natural cleansing techniques take longer to work, but they are more thorough in flushing out unwanted toxins.

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